D.E.I. Is Not Working on College Campuses. We Need a New Approach.

The New York Times

with Paul Brest

August 30, 2024

Neither State nor Market: Competitive Emulation in Higher Education

Studies in Higher Education

with Mitchell Stevens

August, 2024

Research & Teaching: Lasting Union or House Divided?

Daedalus, the Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Spring 2024

Negotiating the Academic Social Contract

Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 

with Mitchell Stevens

January, 6, 2022

Can Universities Defy the New Nationalism?

Project Syndicate (republished by LA Times)

November 14, 2021

10 Forgotten Leaders in Higher Education


September 20, 2021

Pavillion under a tree on a lush college campus

It’s Time for an Overhaul of Academic Freedom

The Washington Post

June 9, 2021

Lessons for Learning After the Crisis

Inside Higher Ed, with Matthew Rascoff

April 15, 2020

Gender and Meritocracy: A Historical Perspective

Invited for joint forum between JHI and Tocqueville 21 Blogs

January 14, 2020

College buildings under construction

Academic Innovation: the Obligation to Evolve

EdNext Blog with Matthew Rascoff

January 17, 2019

Illustration of library stacks as a dollar bill

The Right Way to Fix Universities

The New York Times with Mitchell L. Stevens

November 30, 2017

Education collage

Want to Enhance Humanities Career Outcomes? Engage the Faculty

Inside Higher Ed with Nicole Hall

Oct 2, 2017

Illustrated man solving puzzle with images of college campus

If Colleges Are Dismantled, Consider the Impact on Their Cities

The Chronicle of Higher Education

Oct 16, 2016

The Other Weimar: The Warburg Circle as Hamburg School

Journal of the History of Ideas 74 (April 2013): 307–330. Translated and published as “L’autre Weimar : le cercle de Warburg, une ‘école de Hambourg?’” in : C. Maigné, Audrey Rieber et C. Trautmann-Waller (eds), La Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg comme laboratoire, Revue germanique internationale 28/2018, p. 11-30.

PanDora, or Erwin and Dora Panofsky and the Private History of Ideas

The Journal of Modern History 83 (December 2011): 753–787. Translated and published as “PanDora o Erwin y Dora Panofsky y la historia privada de las ideas,” in Síntomas Culturales: El Legado de Erwin Panofsky (Buenos Aires, Sans Soleil Ediciones, 2018), 109–156.